Product Marketing Animations
Role Marketing Designer, 2023
Client RepairPal
Scope Creative Direction, Illustration, Storyboarding
Many thanks to Dick Dailey for motion design support on this project.
RepairPal is the hub for all things auto repair. Through their integrated platform, you can do it all. RepairPal also works with shops and dealers to introduce new customers through, the largest site for auto repair, and through the recommendation of its partners.
The campaign is a set of animations that showcase two of RepairPal’s products, the Dashboard and the Directory. The animations will be used as supporting visuals for email campaigns to either shops or dealers and shared on social media such as Instagram and LinkedIn. The goal for each animation is to craft captivating visuals that effectively communicate the value of RepairPal and our products.
Dashboard Animation
The concept for the Dashboard animation is to communicate to shop owners that responding to reviews through the Dashboard can help increase retention because customers would be more interested in getting their vehicle repaired at a shop that’s interacting with other customers and being responsive to good and bad reviews.
To ensure that shop owners would resonate with the animation, I wanted to maintain the Dashboard’s interface and stylize specific components.
Establishing the target audience and goal for the animation
Final Animation
Hi-Fidelity Storyboard
Directory Animation
The concept for the Directory animation is to communicate to shop owners that having a strong completed profile with photos and specific details can help them attract new customers.
To ensure that shop owners would resonate with the animation, I wanted to visualize the customer journey while maintaining the Directory’s interface and stylizing specific components.
Establishing the goal and concept for the animation